Getting Started
Start your adventure in the world of Ragnarok right here!
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Start your adventure in the world of Ragnarok right here!
Last updated
Once you've successfully entered the login page, there will be empty character slots available for you to create a character as you like. Click on the first slot, and the character's figure will appear on the right side. You will be able to change the character's gender, hairstyle, and hair color as desired (the Doram race is not yet available to play). You can also name our character right away.
Once you have finished creating your character, you can press start game immediately.
Once you press start game, your character will be sent to the starting area for adventurers. Walk down to talk to the NPC below to receive a starter item set for Novice adventurers, consisting of a First-Aid Box and a set of wearable items, along with an increase of one level each in Base Level and Job Level. Press the shortcut key Alt + E to open the equipment window, and then double-click on the items you have received to wear them.
Once you have equipped the items, walk back up to the middle bridge and continue walking to the far right. There will be a warp that leads into the castle. Click on the Warp Portal to enter the castle.
After entering the castle, walk straight up to the top to talk to the NPC Receptionist. Agree to enter the Training Ground.
Inside the Training Ground, there are many types of monsters. Initially, choose to attack monsters that are highlighted in pink when you hover the mouse over them, because the pink color indicates monsters that are close to our level. Monsters with names in red are significantly higher level than us, and attacking them could easily result in death. Even though dying in the Training Ground does not result in the loss of experience points, once you leave the Training Ground, dying will result in a loss of 10% of your total EXP, including both Base Exp and Job Exp.
Tip: Inside the Training Ground, there will be an NPC buffing with angel wings stationed to assist players. You can click on the NPC whenever you need to heal or reapply buffs until you decide to leave the Training Ground.
Players should defeat monsters until they can raise their Job Level to 10. Then, press the shortcut key Alt + S to upgrade the Basic Skill, which is a fundamental skill for every player in every job, to level 9. After that, players should talk to the male NPC on the left side, continue the conversation, and then press agree to warp to the town of Morroc and proceed with the job change.
Upon arriving in the town of Morroc, players should walk up a bit and look for the Valkyrie NPC named Change Jobs to initiate a conversation for a job change. There will be basic jobs available for selection, including Swordman, Magician, Archer, Acolyte, Merchant, and Thief. Once the player makes a decision, the NPC will immediately change the player's job.
But if anyone is still unsure about which job to choose, we have some job recommendations on the next page.